[tournament-org] TournamentConformityDeclaration

Geoff Kaniuk geoff at kaniuk.co.uk
Sat Jan 28 13:04:27 GMT 2023

Dear EGD,

I noticed that you had a new pop-up when submitting results .  I have 
circulated this to the BGA committee.  Most things are clear but there 
was some puzzlement around your first point:

o There was a registration process through which all the players were
informed of their rights and obligations as participants in the
submitted competition.

Can you please clarify:
	... players were informed of their rights and obligations ...

It is possible to guess the meanings of this, but better if you can 
expand on the intention here.

Regarding player rights, I remember Aldo raised the right of a player 
not to  be shown on EGD, but I don't know how far that got.  In any case 
an anonymous record should remain.

Player obligations regarding behaviour at a tournament could easily be 
spelled out, and I believe that has been done in the EGF General 
Tournament rules.

But obligations regarding EGD are harder to explain -  unless you mean 
things like reporting errors in submitted results - as the recent case 
with Zhang Shi showed.

At the moment the only people who see this declaration are officers who 
submit results. I think that anyone who consults the EGD web site should 
be aware of this declaration.  Perhaps it could be referenced on the 
home page?


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