[tournament-org] Trigantius2020

Matt Marsh matt at crazedbytes.net
Mon Mar 9 19:16:34 GMT 2020


On Sun, 8 Mar 2020, at 14:09, Geoff Kaniuk via tournament-org wrote:
> There were 17 players not a member of BGA, but 5 of these renewed on the 
> day.

Thank you for getting people to renew their membership on the day. The registration desk is a great opportunity to encourage people to renew (or join) and we are very happy for tournament organisers to do this (I added some information about this to the Tournament Organisers Handbook recently).

> The Fischer time settings of 61 + 7' per move did improve timekeeping, 
> but even so there were still a very few players who did manage games 
> much longer than 2.5 hours. 

I'm personally against having such short increments with a large amount of main time like this. I feel that the ratio between the fixed main time and the variable time (added by the increment * moves) is disproportionate.

In cases such as Trigantius where time is fairly tight, I think it would be better to make it a class B tournament personally.

> Unfortunately the clocks do not record the 
> number of moves. We need number of move data in order to set Fischer 
> time parameters sensibly.

The main thing to understand is how long rounds take from the moment the draw is published to the moment the last game finishes. I'm starting to collect data from tournaments using different time limits and I will publish better information once I have sufficient data.


*Matt Marsh*
matt at crazedbytes.net
+44 (0)7795 297779 <tel:+44-7795-297779>
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