[tournament-org] Trigantius2020

Geoff Kaniuk geoff at kaniuk.co.uk
Mon Mar 9 14:20:15 GMT 2020


The problem is, if you reduce the main time , you have to increase the 
bonus time to stay in class A.

The Fischer timing system is very different to classical Byoyomi or 
Canadian Overtime.  Obviously a Byoyomi time of 7 seconds a move is high 
speed blitz!

With Fisher, every move you make gains you 7 seconds.  So after playing 
for 60 minutes (say 100 moves) you should have accumulated about
11 minutes of bonus time, and you still get an extra 7 seconds per move.

The very last (critical) game of the day took a very long time to 
finish.  Critical because one of them was due a prize!


33 Ashbury Close, Cambridge CB1 3RW 01223 710582

On 09/03/2020 09:00, Colin Williams via tournament-org wrote:
> Geoff,
> In terms of move numbers there was one game - Round 1 I think - that ended with a very long ko. By the end one pot of stones had been exhausted and the player was onto an extra pot from the neighbouring board, so it must have been well over 300 moves, if not nearer 340. They had a very short break before the start of round 2.
> I personally wouldn’t want less than 7 seconds a move when in byo-yomi - possibly we could reduce the base time to 50 or 55 minutes? As you say though we do need move data, somebody must have done an analysis of this in the past. Does anyone out there have anything?
> Regards,
> Colin.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Kaniuk via tournament-org <tournament-org at lists.britgo.org>
> Sent: 08 March 2020 14:09
> To: TOUR List <tournament-org at lists.britgo.org>
> Subject: [tournament-org] Trigantius2020
> There were a few novel features in the tournament this year, so I thought to report them here.
> I had a major problem with the BGA printer the night before the tournament.  It refused to print and claimed it could not feed the paper.  I had to revert to my own laptop and desktop printer.
> The diy registration system worked well, leaving me free to attend to other matters. The main issue was responding to Corona by re-arranging the tables to create more space between players.  This did lead to a delay in the start time of about 20 mins. All players did pay at the end of their first game and there were only a few corrections needed.
> There were 17 players not a member of BGA, but 5 of these renewed on the day.
> The Fischer time settings of 61 + 7' per move did improve timekeeping, but even so there were still a very few players who did manage games much longer than 2.5 hours.  Unfortunately the clocks do not record the number of moves.  We need number of move data in order to  set Fischer time parameters sensibly.

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