[tournament-org] TrigantiusLessonII

Geoff Kaniuk geoff at kaniuk.co.uk
Tue Mar 19 12:21:58 GMT 2019

If we have self-registering system, then players will be asked to 
collect their own ticket.  So player B should decline A's request.

But yes, I agree one needs to be alert to chaos of this kind.  Just 
before issuing the draw one could count the players present.

If there are fewer than tickets, then at least someone must have broken 
the system and will be asked to own up.

If there are more players than tickets, then they are late and may have 
to play each other.

I would also ask players to enter early if they intend coming, and to 
let us know in good time if for some reason they cannot attend on the day.

There will of course be a ghost in reserve as backup.

Thanks for the input!


33 Ashbury Close, Cambridge CB1 3RW 01223 710582

On 19/03/2019 10:01, Francis Roads wrote:
> What can go wrong? Murphy's Law predicts the following scenario:
> Player A: I know I may be a bit late; please will you fill in my ticket for
> me if I'm not there when you arrive?
> Player B: OK
> Player A is now seriously delayed and misses the start of Round 1, or maybe
> doesn't turn up at all. Player A's opponent expresses disappointment to the
> TD.
> Francis (becoming cynical in my old age☺.)

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