[tournament-org] Learning from Arundel Tournament

Matt Marsh matt at crazedbytes.net
Thu Sep 6 12:04:37 BST 2018

Thanks for the handy advice Sue! It's always good to be thinking about
these things.
I'll add a tip of my own, if I may...

When a round is starting, I walk around with a printed copy of the draw:
 * *Check that the correct players are playing each other*
 * *Check that the players are using the correct colour stones* (had to
   correct this a couple of times...)
 * *Check that any handicap stones have been applied* (again had to
   correct this a few times...)
 * *Check that clocks seem to be operating *(sometimes easier said than
   done depending on the room, placement of the clock etc)
 * *Start any clocks where players are missing *(I personally give 5
   minutes grace from the draw being published/round start time,
   whichever is later)
A few minutes spent on doing the above can save a lot of hassle later
I'm sure that a lot of people do similar things already, but hope it
helps someone.

On Thu, 6 Sep 2018, at 11:14, Sue Paterson via tournament-org wrote:
> I thought I’d jot down a few thoughts regarding my learning from
> Saturday’s Arundel Tournament which may be of interest to fellow
> organisers:>

>  1. *Don’t get complacent:* just because you’ve run 8 previous
>     tournaments before doesn’t mean that new gremlins won’t turn up to
>     bite you on the ankle.
>  2. *Wind up the clocks:* Don’t expect the participants to do this.
>     Delegate someone as ‘clock monitor’ to ensure that all the clocks
>     are working properly and wound up.
>  3. *Make sure you have your phone on you*: (Obvious really). Make
>     sure that you can be contacted the whole day of the tournament in
>     such a way that doesn’t disturb other players but that can he
>     heard/felt by you.
>  4. *Don’t expect to play yourself*: with over 30 people, it was not
>     really feasible to play. Someone needs to be on hand to deal with
>     glitches and to make sure the urn is topped up.>  

> Not so much learning but a general comment: I charge £5 extra as a
> late entry fee. I have no qualms about this as folk that turn on the
> day are an extra headache when you are doing everything manually – all
> your numbering goes skewwhiff.> Also people who pre-register and don’t turn up with no explanation are
> a pain. There is one individual who has done this twice to me. I shall
> send him an email to check he is still in the land of the living. Hope
> that will prick his conscience.>  

> Good luck with your next tournament


> Sue


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*Matt Marsh*
matt at crazedbytes.net
+44 (0)7795 297779[2]


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