[tournament-org] PublishTheDraw

Geoff Kaniuk geoff at kaniuk.co.uk
Wed Apr 12 16:34:29 BST 2023

WAS Things a Tournament Director hates.

I am wondering what kind of projector you are using.  I had imagined a 
PC projector plugged into a USB port.

In GoDraw you would not have to print to a .pdf first!

Whenever GoDraw is asked for pretty printing of anything it first 
creates a text file in GoDrawSys with name *PRI.txt.  Once that file is 
created you get the status message Draw Printed. Then the file is sent 
to the pretty printing process, and hopefully the printer starts up.

So if you have a PC projector try this:

1. Switch the printer off to save paper, but in any case you should 
always keep a hard copy of the draw.

2. Press the print Draw button.

3. Now point your PC projector at GoDrawSys/DrawPRI.txt.

4. Focus the image on a wall.

It is not pretty printing, but it does  contain all the pairing information.


33 Ashbury Close, Cambridge CB1 3RW 01223 710582

On 11/04/2023 12:24, Andrew Ambrose-Thurman wrote:
> On Tuesday, 11 April 2023, Geoff Kaniuk via tournament-org 
> <tournament-org at lists.britgo.org 
> <mailto:tournament-org at lists.britgo.org>> wrote:
>     One solution that could be considered is to project the pairing on a
>     wall - so the font could be made very large indeed.
> We do this at Durham (and have done for years) - but it's not 
> straightforward, as you need to print it to PDF then show the PDF on the 
> projector. It would be good to have something like an independent window 
> built in to GoDraw that sensibly shows the draw full screen, without 
> needing the intermediate steps.
> (My ideal would be to run GoDraw in the cloud, so everyone could access 
> the draw on their phones from a web interface - if you do release the 
> code at some point in the future, I'd be interested in trying to produce 
> something like this; assuming I could actually find enough spare time to 
> write it...)
> Andrew

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