[tournament-org] Learning from Arundel Tournament

Sue Paterson suepat812 at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 6 11:14:06 BST 2018

I thought I’d jot down a few thoughts regarding my learning from Saturday’s
Arundel Tournament which may be of interest to fellow organisers:


1.	Don’t get complacent: just because you’ve run 8 previous tournaments
before doesn’t mean that new gremlins won’t turn up to bite you on the
2.	Wind up the clocks: Don’t expect the participants to do this.
Delegate someone as ‘clock monitor’ to ensure that all the clocks are
working properly and wound up.
3.	Make sure you have your phone on you: (Obvious really). Make sure
that you can be contacted the whole day of the tournament in such a way that
doesn’t disturb other players but that can he heard/felt by you.
4.	Don’t expect to play yourself: with over 30 people, it was not
really feasible to play. Someone needs to be on hand to deal with glitches
and to make sure the urn is topped up.


Not so much learning but a general comment: I charge £5 extra as a late
entry fee. I have no qualms about this as folk that turn on the day are an
extra headache when you are doing everything manually – all your numbering
goes skewwhiff.

Also people who pre-register and don’t turn up with no explanation are a
pain. There is one individual who has done this twice to me. I shall send
him an email to check he is still in the land of the living. Hope that will
prick his conscience.


Good luck with your next tournament




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