[tournament-org] Penalties for minor infringments ....

Christopher Kirkham cckirkham at btinternet.com
Thu Oct 25 17:24:30 BST 2018

At the Northern last Sunday, I received a complaint from 1 of the players that his opponent had taken a stone from the bowl rather than the counted-out stones during a period of Canadian overtime. In this case it was after exhausting the pile of counted-out stones, but that is, I believe, not particularly significant. What should I have done? Should I have awarded the game to the complainer? Fortunately the complainer didn't seem to require that, and the culprit was convincing in claiming it was inadvertent, so I warned the culprit not to do it again, and let the game continue. The complainer, who was also in byo-yomi, resigned shortly after.  The real question, though, is what penalties are there short of forfeiting the game? Is there any established system for this? If not, should we have a "yellow-card" and "red-card" system for such minor infringements? If we do that, is the scope of a "yellow-card" the game or the whole tournament?
Chris Kirkham
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