[tournament-org] GroupsInGoDraw

TobyManning ptm at tobymanning.co.uk
Thu Oct 18 09:36:08 BST 2018

I look at the entry and determine if it is possible that A can avoid 
playing anuy of B - H, or if (eventually) a match is inevitable.

If A will have to play 3 out of B-H and 3 others, I just let the 
programme go ahead. The "not same club" will avoid them playing in the 
first round; if they have to play 3 of their mates it s not too 
important if it is games 4-6 or a random 3 games.


On 15/10/2018 21:49, Geoff Kaniuk via tournament-org wrote:
> Sometimes players from the same family attend a tournament, and it is 
> often a good idea to make sure they do not play each other. For this 
> reason GoDraw has a feature called 'Groups' which enables you to tag 
> certain players as belonging to a group with the attribute that 
> members of the group 'must not play' each other. I hope that 
> organisers are familiar with the feature, which is described in the 
> GoDraw online manual http://www.britgo.org/godrawsys/help/drawmaster.html
> The description there explains how to set up a group by directly 
> editing the Group field in the register. Another way is to use the 
> Tools>Groups menu where you can simply select players and then add to 
> a group with attributes chosen from a drop-down list.
> There are also situations where some players will travel round to 
> different clubs, so would prefer not to have to play the same people 
> at a local tournament.  Again you can set up a group, but now with the 
> group attribute 'prefer not to play'.
> It is better to do this than just changing club names, hoping that the 
> basic rule 'try to pair players from different clubs' will do the 
> trick. Group selection gets higher priority than club names. Also it 
> means that at the end of the tournament you do not have to go around 
> re-setting player clubs before you send the results in to the BGA.
> There are situations where you would want to avoid a particular player 
> from being drawn against a specific group. For example someone who 
> enters at a suspiciously high grade who has not played in a tournament 
> before and you might want to avoid pairings above the bar in the early 
> rounds to get a better assessment. There are other examples of this 
> special case, which falls outside the remit of the groups feature.
> So here is our problem: We have a player A who should not play against 
> players B,C,D,E,F,G,H for at least the first three rounds of a 6 round 
> tournament.
> How would you solve this?

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