[tournament-org] Consultation on the BGA Levy

Gerry Gavigan gerry at gavigan.me.uk
Thu Sep 28 14:42:12 BST 2023


As one of the TDs opting to use their own registration system, while I understand the sentiment behind: 

"The place to collect and maintain membership information is surely best managed by the online web entry system.  Some TD's do use the BGA entry form and that can ask for membership status. Other TD's opt to have their own form and should be encouraged to collect membership status."

This only works for BGA members and we do.

My observations remain that a physical token (aka a membership card) either exists or it doesn't. 

I think we should adopt compulsory membership of a European NA or (slightly) punitive levy otherwise in order to support European Go.

In the case of BGA members and UK tournaments (and this could be equally applicable to every European NA) there could a retrospective remedy for forgotten membership cards.

For members of European NAs that turn up to UK tournaments without a suitable token I would say something along the lines of "you should have kept it with your passport"


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